children laugh as many sing.
people discuss as children scream.
but I, no not I, could ever handle these things.
toys are on the floor while people just ignore,
all the incredibly intricate entertainment that they are there for.
but I, no not I, could ever handle these things.
these things that I speak of are not for my life,
for although it may be nice I am quite the opposite.
yes I, indeed I, am quite different and only wish to be the way which I speak of.
for children laugh as many sing.
people discuss as children scream.
and I just sit and ignore as best as I can.
indeed toys are on the floor while people just ignore,
all the incredibly intricate entertainment that they are there for.
and I, yes indeed I, just sit and ignore it all and do nothing about it.
utter failure. the loss of destination. nothing in sight, and no one to be heard.
it is a blank slate with no directions written on it to help you at all. . .
. . .it is a blank slate with no directions written on it to help me.
but with no directions I shall move forward,
even if there are to be trials in the moving.
for I, yes indeed I, shall not ignore my failures,
but make better of them and turn them around into a way for me to move forward.
to move, and not stand still.
to make something from nothing.
to sing while feeling melancholy in heart.
to help when I am not motivated.
to make everything worth while.
to love and not hate. . . .
. . .to handle the situation, and not ignore.
yes I, indeed I, shall conquer this.
I shall.